ObjNr catno Beskrivning Startprice BildLink

Catalogues used are Facit for Scandinavia and Michel for all other countries.








16358 1a 4-marg,delav 2:a märke till hö. Mi 2000Dm,stpl 2000
16359 3 6KR MARGINCOPY VF USED 79 300
16360 3a 6r, corner margin copy used 8X, close cut at right but very niceimpressive copy. 350
16361 3a 6KR on bluish paper used 92?, 110 Euro 110
16362 4a stpl, 4 marg, 500 Dm 300
16363 7-8 6k3 2copies, , 3kr , nice cancels 70
16364 9c Baden 9 kr dark brown,VF USED,750DM 500
16365 10b 3kr ultramarin 1861, VF used 57 60
16366 12 9kr lebhaftrosarot 1861, VF used 57 300
16367 15b 9kr hellocker, VF used ...ZHEIM, 320 EURO 400
16368 20b .enzkirc.28mrz.,Seeger 300
16369 20b Baden 9 kr "fahlbraun, VF-XF MANNH. 175
16370 21F Fournierforgery pair ** unused, imperf 100
16371 21F 18kr Rastatt 14 oct Fournierforgery , thin 75
16372 22b 30kr. 1862 OFFENBURG 7. NOV ., 2 lightly bent co perfs. Cert Maria Brettl (2004). Mi 2400 Euro. Very Fine copy! Rare in this condition. 4500
16373 25 LAHR ?, v.f. on piece 100
16374 25a PR Lorbach 7.dec, Seegr. 250
16375 1x PORTO, 1 KR, Fine used on piece, sign Krüger, 800 Dm 500
16376 2 3kr VF used ...Inglingen 19-jul 250


16377 5 9 KR green, interesting cancel BP, 200
16378 5 9kr green, 4 VF used copies 125
16379 7 18 KR YELLOW, VF used 325, sign Brun 650
16380 7 18 KR yellow ,325 looks superb but tear in left margin not touching design, 500
16381 13 18 Kr red, 4 margins, used , but thin 200
16382 13a 18kr dark red, used 38(5?) , VF 500
16383 13b 18 KR orangered,4 margins , slight crease, München 10 600 Euro 600
16384 13b 18 KR red,4 margins ,used 12... VF 475
16385 14 1kr green , 3 shades, VF used 100
16386 14-16 1kr 2 shades, 3kr nd 7 kr VF used 100
16387 22-29X 1-10kr + 18kr (no12kr) , F-VF used 300e 350
16388 27X 18 kr wmk 1a, ...BACH 2 SEP, F-VF 500
16389 28x 9 KREUZER , used ... ABMUNCH... 22-5 , slight short perf Mi 1200 Dm 500
16390 29X 10kr gelb, used München, crease 350
16391 31 1 mark, Fine ...ERG I 120
16392 1-5 DIENST 1908, 3-50pf , VF used 50
16393 3X Porto,3kr black wmk 1a lightly cancelled . Signed Bühler. Mi 600 Euro 900


16394 3 3 Sgr or.red, 4 margins,used blue canc. and ink cross. Mi 300 Euro, sign Brettl 900
16395 3 3sgr BRAUNSCH... 31-12 VF used 500
16396 3 3sgr , blue ..NSCH... small thin 300
16397 4 1/4 Ggr (3pf) brown, no cancel 18, VF 700
16398 5-8 1/3-3 Sgr, used, 710 Euro, mixed qual. 300
16399 6 1 Sgr on br. yellow, no cancel 20, signed Köhler, VF-EF 225
16400 6b 1 Sgr, used ...HNDEN 70 Euro 125
16401 7 2 Sgr, used no 38? , VF 80 Euro 125
16402 8 3 Sgr black /rose, used no 9 Superb 200
16403 8 3 Sgr, used no 8 , VF 80 Euro 150
16404 8a "Luxus" stpl , sign Lange 400
16405 9 4/4 GR BLACK ON BROWN, FINE USED 140
16406 10 ½ Sgr VF used BRA..., good marg 400
16407 10 ½GR/ 5PF, used no 8, 4 margins 1 close, Mi 500 Euro 400
16408 10A ½ GR , VF used ...OFNINGEN 6 SEP 1867 , signed 800
16409 10A * ½ Gr, VF unused, 50 Euro 70
16410 12 3sgr used 95 fine 125
16411 14A 1 s.Gr. XF cancel HELMSTEDT 17 MAI 1865 ,XF- SUPERB 900
16412 17-20 ½. 1.2.3 Gr. VF-Fine used. 1745 DM 1400
16413 18 1 Sgr red, VF used 39, 70 Euro 150

16414 1F 3PF (*) PAIR Fournierforgery 125
16415 3 BREMEN, Blå prs Bremen 23-10-67 1700
16416 3 7 GR bl./yellow, used BREM.. 9-11, VF 1500
16417 3 BREMEB 7 GR, used BR 6-4, small thin in right margin. 900Euro 400
16418 4 5 SGR. green. VF used ...EN 6-7.1300 800
16419 4F (*)5sgr ,SPERATI FORGERY, interesting 300
16420 7 5 Gr. piece, XF used BREMEN 24-4-67 800
16421 9 5 SGR yellow green, blue c. Breme.. Bahnho., slightly thin, VF- XF looking. 225
16422 10a 2 Grote, used BREME. 8 2 7-, slightly short perfs, signed Richter, Köhler. 700

16423 1 ½ Schilling Black, blue cancel, frameline at bottom slightly cut into. 1800 DM 750
16424 1 ½ sch black, ,large margins, used, thin 600
16425 2 1sch. brown, 4 marg, clear cancel, thin 110
16426 2 1sch. brown, 4 margins, used, thin 100
16427 3 2sch. red, 4 marg, clear cancel, thin 150
16428 3 2sch. red, 4 marg, clear cancel, thin 150
16429 3 2sch. red, 4 marg, blue cancel, thin 130
16430 5 4 Sch, VF loking used 4 bars, but thin 900
16431 5b 4 sch. bluishgreen, 4 margins, used 2000
16432 6 7sch. orange, 14 used copies in mixed quality 700 Euro 500
16433 7 9 sch. good margins, thin spot up, small tear in upper marg. looks VFused 2500Euro 2500
16434 7 9 sch. 4 marg,maybe repon back, rare 1500
16435 8b * 1 1/4 sch. greenish grey, 4 marg, VF 250
16436 8c 1 1/4 sch. grey, 4 marg. used no 2 150
16437 8d 1 1/4 sch. bluegrey, 4 marg. used, no 2 140
16438 8d 1 1/4 sch. bluegrey, 4 marg. used,, thin 120
16439 8e 11/4sch. 2shades, used, tiny thin 250
16440 8f 1 1/4 Sch. stumpfviolett, VF-XF used 300
16441 9 2 ½ Sch. bluegreen, XF used no 2 700
16442 9 2½ sch. green 4marg., thin ,used no 2 175
16443 10 ½ sch black 5 copies used, mixed qual. 100
16444 11 1sch brown 10 copies used, mixed qual 200
16445 12 1 1/4 sch. 10 used copies, shades, mixed quality 200
16446 12 * 1 1/4 sch. slight thin , 100 Euro 100
16447 13 2 sch. 8 used copies, mixed quality 210
16448 13 2 sch. 6 used copies, mixed quality 190
16449 14 * 2½ sch. green usual uneven perfs 160
16450 15 3sch. 8 copies , used,slight mixed qual. 300
16451 15a,b,c 3sch 3 shades, used, mixed qual. 275
16452 15a,b,c 3sch 3 shades, used, mixed qual. 150
16453 16a,b 4 sch- green 8 copies, average-VF used 260
16454 17 7sch orange, used, 3 copies 450Eur 325
16455 18 9 sch orange yellow, black cancel 6-6-67, slight ink on back 2200
16456 18 9 sch lemon yellow, black bar cancel 6-6-67, slight thin rare 2100
16457 18 9 sch lemon yellow, blue cancel 6-6-67, slight thin rare 2000
16458 19 7 sch. lila, 12 used copies, slight mixed quality, nice cancels 300
16459 19 7 sch. lila, 10 used copies, slight mixed 275
16460 19 7 sch. lila, superb blue Hamburg 24-6-66, thin 100
16461 19 7 sch. lila ,wellc. used, thin 75
16462 20 HAMBURG** reprint 1978 IN 4-BLOCK 100
16463 20 * 1 1/4 Sch, VF 90
16464 20-21 * 1 1/4, 1 ½, SCH , VF 150
16465 20a 1 1/4 Sch. blue St.P.A.HAMB.1-9, thin 100
16466 20a * 1 1/4 Sch, 2 shades F-VF 100
16467 20b 1 1/4 greypurpur HA)MBURG 11-66, 200
16468 21 1½ Sch. 3 slight different shades used 500
16469 21 1 1/2 Sch. carminerose, XF used 300
16470 21 1½ Sch. wellc. blue bar cancel 250
16471 21 1½ Sch. used ...RG 99 200


16472 1 1Ggr black on greyblue , VF margincopy ...EVERS... 200
16473 2c Württemberg , 3pf reddish yellow BALINGEN 15-3-53 in blue. Mi 400 Euro. Double sign c Thoma (for the shade). Superb copy. 1000
16474 5 1/10 Th. MARGIN COPY, blue cancel Hannover 15 März, superb looking, thin spot in margin. 300
16475 6 3 pf carmine, blue canc. 3-2, thin spot 500
16476 8 3pf netz, VF used blue BREMEN 13-7 700
16477 14 * 1gr ,superb 4-BLOCK, large margins 100
16478 17y 1/2Gr close cut, used BREMEN, 550DM 175
16479 18 10Gr. green , Blue cancel, VF , 2600Dm 1800
16480 20 HANNOVER 3pf / 3/10sgr olive VF blue cancel. signed Richter and Lange 1800
16481 20 3Pf gree,4-marg Osnabrueck, thin 2600 600
16482 25x 3 gr , VF blue cancel 175



16483 2 Meckl.-Schwerin 3s SUPERB SCHWERIN BAHNHOF 22-11 500
16484 6 * 2Sch redlila, VF 500

16485 1 (*) 1/4 SCH orange, VF 225



16486 3I 1/15 Th, BLUE cancel 29 / 10, slight faded colour, used 125
16487 7 2 gr. 4 good margins , on piece superb blue cancel VECHT 3-10, Mi € 750 1800
16488 7 2gr Blue KLAGE... 11-1 , thin , looks Vf 800
16489 8 3Gr ,blue OLDENB... 15-11, VF signed 1400
16490 8 3gr bl./ yellow, blue cancel 13-6 1100
16491 8 3Gr black on yellow, rep., used blue cancellation OLDENBURG 4-2, 750
16492 9 (*) OLDENB. 1/2 sgr,Sperati 400
16493 10 1/3 GR bluegreen , thin spot, ETE 10-10 1200
16494 11 1/2 GR redbrown , thin spot, used 650
16495 11 OLDENB., Sperati 1/2 sgr used 600
16496 11F ½Gr ,SPERATI forgery blue cancel ,önne 400
16497 12 1gr blue, VF used B... 3... 450
16498 12 1Gr blue, ..BEEHAUS... blue c. Fine 300
16499 13 2 Gr orange, blå stpl,4 marg 1200 DM 1500
16500 13 2Sgr red, VF used OLDENB.. 16-10 1400
16501 13 2gr red, blue c FRA, VF margin copy, thin spot in left margin not in design. 900
16502 13F 2Gr ,SPERATI forgery , APEN 3-9 400
16503 14 3gr zitrongelb VF used Vare... 7-5 1000
16504 14 2gr yellow blue c ...EVER.. , 4 margins 750
16505 14 3 Gr gelb 1861, used blue cancel ...AREL 2-9, 4 margins, small thin on back Mi 2016 550 Euro 500
16506 14F 3Gr ,SPERATI forgery , LOHNE 23/10 500
16507 19B 3gr brown, ...AKE 8, corner crease 300


16508 5 (*) 4sgr 4 marg. VF 250
16509 8b 3 SGR. YELLOW, VF USED BARM... 200
16510 17a,b 2Sgr, used, b VF STADPOS... 10-1 100
16511 20 ** 10 sgr red, VF UM 500
16512 22 1kr green FRANKFURT 1-7, VF-EF 125
16513 25 * 6 KR ultramarinVF 50

16514 9 Stpl , DRAGSPEL 500
16515 12 5 ngr red 4 copies in shades used, 1 (*) 500
16516 12 5 SGR, red, 4 margins used LEIPZIG 7 AUG 63, slight thin spot otherwhise SUPERB 200
16517 12b 5Ngr lebhaftorangerot, VF-EF, used no 2 750
16518 12e 5 SGR, rostbraun, superb used nr 125 500
16519 13 10 gr blue, VF used no 1 700
16520 13 10 Ngr. Plauen 3-III , SPERATI forgery 600
16521 13 SACHSEN, 10 N Gr. ,Sperati 400

16522 2F 3sch imperf used Fournierforgery 200
16523 9 1 1/4 Sch. XF HERZ 9-1-67, PRAKTEX 180
16524 13 * 1/2 S GREEN, VF 60
16525 13 * ½ green VF 50
16526 17 4S br.ocker, VF used 23-2-66 200

16527 2 1/3 gr VF used BRE... almost 4 marg 250
16528 2 1/3 Gr, 4 large margins used , thin fold, 150
16529 4 1 Gr BLAU, SUPERB used 321 300
16530 4 1 Gr PREUSSISCH BLAU, VF used 225
16531 4 1Sgr 4 margins, used no 14, thin spot 200
16532 6a 3Sgr 4 very-large marg. , used 14, EF 200
16533 6b 3Sgr 4 marg. , used 301, VF-EF 300
16534 10b 9 Kr 2shades 4marg, VF-EF used 150
16535 10b 9 Kr 4marg, VF-EF used 220 (sidv) 120
16536 13 1/4 Gr. 4 large marg , used 1864, thin 100
16537 14 1/2 Gr. 3,5 large marg , used 279, thin 160
16538 14 1/2 Gr. 4(3 large) marg , used , thin 110
16539 16 2 Gr.red 4 very large marg , used 29, EF, SUPERB , "LüXUS", signed Thir 650
16540 16 2 Gr.red 4 marg , used 301, EF 375
16541 16-17 2 , 3 SGR karmin, rotbraun, Fine used 125
16542 17 3 Gr. 4 very large marg , used 301, looks Superb but cornercrease sign Zumstein 200
16543 18 5 Gr. on piece, 4 good marg ,VF used 34 850
16544 18 5 Gr. on piece, 3,9 very large marg , used 251, looks SUPERB ,signed GF 800
16545 18 5 sgr braunpurpur VF used 6(6?) 500
16546 18 5 Gr. 4 marg , used slight thin 375
16547 18 5 sgr superb cancel in BLUE 45 275
16548 18 5 sgr large marg. slight thin in margin VF cancel no 63, looks superb 250
16549 20 1 KR green, hor. pair, VF used, 4 marg signed Thir 150
16550 20 1 KR green, EF used , 4 (3 large ) marg 50
16551 20-25 1-30Kr used normal qual (fauts- cut in margins), Mi 740 Euro 400
16552 22 9 KR 4 margins, used 220 300
16553 24 15KR ,used 187, 4 (1close)margins, VF 350
16554 24 15 kR braunpurpur VF used 209 300
16555 24 15 KR 4 margins, used 220 250
16556 24 15KR ,used 220, 4 margins, thin spot 200
16557 24,20,34 15Kr+1 kr+9 kr on piece , used 104, VF 375
16558 25 30 kr orange 4 marg used 134, VF 500
16559 26 30 KR 3½ margins, used 220 450
16560 26 ** 1/4 black,VF margincopy 110
16561 27 1/3 GREEN, VF used 250 400
16562 27 1/3 Gr, HAMB... signed J.SCHL. 250
16563 30 2 Gr blue VF used 273 200
16564 31 3 Gr VF used 8-1 4-5 N 80
16565 32 3 KR, 3 shades , all 4 marg, VF-F used 200
16566 32 3 KR, piece, 4 large marg, VF used 135 175
16567 32 3Kr used, very wide margins, XF 125
16568 34 9 KR , hor. pair, VF used 134, 4 marg, signed Thir 250
16569 34 9 KR, 3,6 marg, VF used 289 100
16570 34 9 KR, 3 marg, VF Frankfurt-Cassel 10-3 100
16571 34 9 KR, 3,5 marg, VF used 220 90
16572 37 ½ Gr yellow VF used 6-12 100
16573 41-44 1-9 kr, F-VF used 125
16574 47 1/2 Gr yellow , VF used 255? 400
16575 47 ½ Gr yellow, VF used 235 350
16576 47 1/2 Gr yellow , VF used 221 250
16577 47 1/2 Gr yellow , used , tiny thin 225
16578 48 1 Gr carmine red , VF used 150
16579 48 1 sgr red , VF used 264 125
16580 50 3 Gr ocher, VF-EF used no 29 600
16581 51 1kr extra large on piece, used 781? 100
16582 51-54 1-9kr VF used, 6kr Fine 250

16583 29 18 KR orangr perf 10, 1 perf rep. STUTTGART 13 DEC, looks VF 400
16584 1 1Kr STUTTGART 15-1057,XF 350
16585 1a stpl , v.f. 280 Dm 250
16586 3 6kr ,XF used blue...RENBURG MAI 185x 175
16587 3 6Kr used Backnang? 8-6-56,VF-XF 125
16588 3 6KR VF used ...BACH2 NOV 1854 100
16589 3a,b AB-PRS, Hall, Cannstadt 300
16590 4 9kr , VF-XF STUTTGART 7 DEC 1854 150
16591 4 9 KR black/ rose U?LM28 Jan 1854 , VF-EF used 150
16592 5 18Kr black /violetlarge margins , VF used on piece. Mi 800 Euro 1800
16593 5 18 kr on piece, 4 good margins, maybe rep. lightly used 1000
16594 20y 18 KR blue, lightly used 28-11, rep. looks VF 1500
16595 20y 18KR BLUE PERF 13½, used, defect 200
16596 24 9kr dunkelkarmin, used, short perfs 900 150
16597 26d 3KR PEF 10, DARK LILAC RED on piece, superbly used RAVENSBURG 3 JUN 1863, tiny thin . Mi 350 Euro 350
16598 28 9 kr vf on piece ...BURG 21-6 200
16599 29 18kr orange, CANNSTADT 19 DEC 1866, VF-SUPERB cancelslight shrt perfs, sign THOMA BPP. Mi500 Euro 400
16600 33 9 kr brown Stuttgart 2-8, SUPERB, tiny ink on back 600
16601 34 18Kr orange, LORCH 4 MAI 1869, SUPERB cancel. 2600 Dm 1800
16602 38 * 3KR rotkarmin 1869, VF 35
16603 123-29 10pf - 75pf ,superb Stuttgart cancels 150
16604 124 * v.f. 110 Dm 100
16605 144-49 10pf - 75pf ,VF Stuttgart cancels 150
16606 241-50 10pf - 50pf + 1M , Stuttgart cancels 130
16607 272-81 10pf - 3M ,VF Stuttgart cancels 200





(*) 10 aur rosa karmin i vågrätt par ostpälat , se Intyg Grönlund obet oren framsida men raritet. F par x = 5x 6500 = 32500 1400
16609 Proof ** Proof in blue and red-brown, ca 1900 with text "STAHLDRUCK REICHDRUCKEREI", VF margin pair. 400
16610 Proof ** Proof in blue and red-brown, ca 1900 with text "STAHLDRUCK REICHDRUCKEREI", vf 175
16611 1 1/4 gr LANGENS 9-12, VF but crease 110
16612 3 ½gr SCH...K 8-1-72, 8th Day. 150
16613 3 ½ gr orange, fine used ... .2 100
16614 4 STOCK)HOLMS KK -72 SVENSK stpl 150
16615 5 2 Gr HAMBURG 24-Feb-72 , VF 70
16616 9var 3Kr VF used Stauffen 24 MAI where MAI is upside down, Curiosity 150
16617 10 7Kr used 13-4-72?, thin .Mi 120 Euro 120
16618 11 18kr used , looks Fine, tiny co.perf faults 500
16619 12 10 GR. grey ink town + 23-5-74 , thin 225
16620 12 10pf, ink cancel 5-6-73, thin 150
16621 12 * 10gr grey ziffern 1872, very fresh unused 120
16622 12,37 10gr * and one inkcanclled (faults), also 5 copies 2Mk in shades Mi ca 340 Euro 150
16623 13 * 30 pf VF and almost ** 400
16624 16 1/4 GR large shield VF used 200
16625 16 1/4 gr, BERLIN 6-2-73, thin 140
16626 16-21 1/4 gr -2½gr Large shield used, 1/4 gr short perfs,no 17-20 F-VF and no 21 small thin spot Mi ca 280 Euro 200
16627 16-22 1/3gr- 5gr, looks good but some small faults, some nice cancels 275
16628 17 ** 1/3 Gr green, , SUPRB 180 Euro+ 500
16629 17 1/3 GR , ZWALK 6-7 , VF 100
16630 17 1/3 gr, DRESDEN Post-Exp 9-6-74, EF 100
16631 19 1 kr, 3 shades, VF-EF used 50
16632 21 2½ gr, 5 shades(2 are thin), Av-F used, 475
16633 21b 2½ gr, Hamburg 23-6-73,l ooks VF, but crease, euro 500 500
16634 25 ** 3Kr LARGE SHIELD redcarmine, very fresh and superb, 100 EURO++ 275
16635 25 * 3kr red carmine large s. tiny thin spot 50
16636 29 2½Gr, BIE... 4-6-74, VF 90
16637 29 2½GR BR.ORANGE, ...mburg 4-10, spp 75
16638 31-36 3-50 Pf, 25pf 2 shades, VF used 120
16639 36a * 50pf grey VF, 2200 euro 2500
16640 40 5pf SEGEBERG 22-10-83, SUPERB 150
16641 47b ** 10 pf lebhaftrosarot, VF 200
16642 48 20PF ADLER stpl Från UTLANDETpå brev till EKENÄS, ankstpl 12-X-97, transit Hangö 11-X-97. Superb. 250
16643 48 20PF ADLER stpl (Fr)ån UTLANDET 150
16644 48 20PF ADLER stpl (Från) UTLANDET 125
16645 50b * 50pf Adler 1890, very fresh 1000
16646 80 3M Reichspost Rochlitz, VFused 75
16647 81A ** 5 Mark Deutsches Reich , Superb, old signature, 900 Euro 1500
16648 82A ** 2 Mark Deutsches Reich , INSCHRIFT lATINISCHER sCHRIFT ,, VF-EF, old signature, 500 Euro 1000
16649 96AII ** 3MK 1919 , Mi 900 Euro 1200
16650 97,5I 10pf GELBER HUND, on card + 5 pf GERMANIA, used DARMSTADT 12.6.12 3rd day of use, FLUGPOST am Rhein. 200
16651 138I ** 20M type 1, margin copy VF 100
16652 164 40+35PF Nothilfe 1935, corner cancel 180
16653 214 80pf green HAMBURG 14-9-22, superb 125
16654 236 25pf, BRAUNSCHWEIG 4-5-23, superb 60
16655 276-79 OSTROPA BLOCK 1935 block 3 no gum clean backside , VF-EF used 26-6-35 1600
16656 276-79 OSTROPA BLOCK 1935 block 3 with original gum , VF-EF used 27-6-35 1600
16657 296 250t/500 mVF used 50
16658 344-50 ** Air Mail 1924, 5-300 HOLZTAUBE , UNMOUNTED MINT VF-EF 1500, EURO 2200
16659 347 50pf orange 1924 Dessau 1-25, VF 75
16660 350 ** 300 pf grey Air Mail 1924, VF , Mi 2016 700 Euro 1000
16661 360 ** 40pf Reichsadler, co crease 140
16662 364-67 ** 31-5 Mark 1924, , VF SET BAUVERKE, 360 Euro 650
16663 366 3m KASSEL 2-5-38, SUPERN 60
16664 370-71 ** 5,10 PF 1925 Verhera. VF , 60 EURO 120
16665 375-77 Nothilfe 5,10, 20pf, VF used 50
16666 378-84 ** 5pf-3DM AIR MAIL , SUPERB bottom margin set 2400
16667 378-84 ** Air Mail 1926, pf5-3mk ADLER , UNMOUNTED MINT VF-EF 1200, EURO 1800
16668 381 ** 50PF Air Mail 1926, VF signed Schlegel BPP Mi 300 450
16669 382 1mk BERLIN 9-1933, VF-XF 30
16670 385-397 ** 3-80pf Famous Germans 1926 1100 Euro, 80pf Superb 1500
16671 391 ** 15pf left margn, superb 100
16672 398-401 ** 5,10,25,50 pf Nothilfe 1926, Superb set 500
16673 398-99 MH 23.1.2 Booklet, Booklet 1926 Charity. 2 RM, StrL 54.B12, StrL 55.B.12. EUR 1100 1200
16674 403-06 *(*) ,8,15,25,50 pf Nothilfe 1927 Hindenburg , VF set 75
16675 411412,414 Booklet 1928, NO 25 X, Presidents, 5,8,15PF EUR 3000 3500
16676 412,414 21.1.2 Booklet, 1926, Famous Germans 20x5pf , 10x10 PF , 2 RM No 3,
a scarce booklet. EUR 6500
16677 412,414 MH 21.1.1 , Booklet 1926, 10X8pf, 8x15pf MH 21.1.1, StrL dg. . EUR 6000 6000
16678 416-29 3pf-2RM 1939 overprinted on Danzig, VF used set Mi 220 Euro 300
16679 422 pr ..lonningen 6-5-30 75
16680 423-24 2, 4 RM Zeppelin 1928, VF used 200
16681 431 8+4 pf Wiesbaden 22-12-28, superb 60
16682 435-37 4 sets 2 of 80pf vf-superb ,used 60
16683 437 ** 80pf Hindenburg, upper corner marg. 210
16684 440 2RM D.GR.BLAU 1930, used 40
16685 444-45 8,12 pf superb FDC margin 4-blocks OLDENBURG 30-6-30, SUPERB 200
16686 444-45 8, 15pf superb set, Berlin 12-7-30, Braunschweig 7-8-30 50
16687 446-49 ** stamps in BLOCK 1 *, creasedbock inupper left corner, stamps VF ** 1000
16688 446-49BL1 **/* Iposta 1930 Block 1 *(*) and stamps are **, VF 1000
16689 452 25pfg blue, VF used 90
16690 455 ** 1 Mark, Zeppelin 1921, VF-EF, 100 Euro +++ 200
16691 455 1 mark ZEPPELIN, F-VF used 100
16692 461 25PF BERLIN nice cancel 90
16693 461 25+10pf 1932, VF use 11-32 75
16694 462 50pf GRIFFENBERG 23-7-31, SUPERB 300
16695 463 6+4/8+4PF ODENBACH 22-2-32, EF 60
16696 479-81 ** 6,12,25pf Reichstag 1933 VF-EF 500
16697 481 *(*) 25Pf 1933, VF, almost ** 150
16698 481 25pf WALDHEIM 5-5-33, SUPERB 150
16699 499-506 3-25 PF, VF used Nothilfe 1933, 295E 500
16700 499-507 ** Deutsche Nothilfe 1933, VF-EF set , Mi 2400 Euro, 20 and 25 pf SUPERB 3500
16701 505 20+10pf used, small thin 150
16702 505B ** 20+10Pf greenblue Nothilfe 1933 ,SUPERB 2600
16703 507 * 40PF , NOTHILFE 1933, VF 200
16704 508-11 ** BLOCK 2 NOTHILFE 1933, Opinion Martin Eichele,"echt" "postfrisch","einwandfrei, "slight small and marginal bends". VF block with insignificant bends in margin. Mi 7000 Euro 7500
16705 508-11 ** BLOCK 2, NOTHILFE Unmounted mint, certificate Zierer "Echt und einwandfrei erhalten ist." Rare block Mi 6000 Euro 7000
16706 508-11 *(*) BLOCK 2 NOTHILFE 1933, VF block with just small trces of hinges in margin. 5000
16707 508-511 ** BLOCK 2, NOTHILFE 1933, unmounted mint block but folded in middle between stamps perforation and block margin. Rare block Mi 7000 Euro for VF. 3000
16708 528 100pf SOLDIN 14-6-36, SUPERB 100
16709 529 5Pf green, NüRNBERG 27-2-39, superb 50
16710 529-39 ** AIR MAIL set 1934, sign Schlegel , VF-superb 2000
16711 529-39 ** AIR MAIL 1934, cpl set , VF 1500
16712 529-39 5Pf-3Mk Luftpost 1934, VF used 300
16713 529-39 AIR 5PF-3MK 1934, VF USED 200
16714 538 2M 1924, BERLIN C 11-9-34, SUPERB 200
16715 538 AIR 2MK 1934, VF USED 50
16716 539 3RM Air 1934, VF used 2-12-38 125
16717 539 3M AIR 1924, ,short perf, used -...N 70
16718 543 Neu(wie...) 27-7-34 100
16719 545 12pf red , WUPPERTAL 17-11-34, PR 60
16720 545 12pf , DARMSTADT 16-1-35, prakt 40
16721 54647 ** 6,12 pf Nürnberg SUPERB SET 200
16722 547 Dresden 27-9-34, pr-lyx,kt 50
16723 548-53 ** 3-25pf Tod von Hindenburg, EF set 250
16724 551 ** 8pf orange , trauerrand, VF-EF 90
16725 554-55 ** 6-12 pf Schiller 1934, Superb centr 200
16726 556-564 ** 3-40pf Nothilfe 1934 Berufstände. VF 1000
16727 556-64 3-40pf VF used set Wohlfart 1934 140
16728 563 ** 25 pf, VF 200
16729 565-68 ** 3-25PF sAAR zu Mutter, VF set 275
16730 565-68 ** 3-25pf Saarabstimmung, VF set 225
16731 565-68 3-25 pfg Saarabstimmung, VF used 50
16732 567 DRESDEN A 17-4-35, LYXs 75
16733 568 ** 25 PF,VF 200
16734 568 25Pf WUPPERTAL 16-1-35,prs 1st Dag 150
16735 569-70 6, 12pf Soldat 1935, VF set 45
16736 571-72 ** 6pf VF, 12pf Superb ,Wettkampf 1935 50
16737 572 VERDENALLERI 29-4-35, SUPERB 75
16738 576-579 ** 3,6,12,25 PF in Block 3 , VF 4-block stamps **, block has strengthened tears in margins. But typikal original gum on entire block. 650
16739 576-79 BLOCK 3 OSTROPE, Königsberg 23-6-35, Used FIRST DAY, tiny thin spot bettween 1 and 9 in wmk. 1200
16740 582 ** 25pf train, VF 150
16741 597 ** 40 +35 pf violet Nothilfe 1935, VF 90
16742 600-02 * 100
16743 600-02 * 75 DM 75
16744 600-602 6,12,25pf Olympics 1936, VF used 40
16745 605 12pf BOCHUM 4-436, superb 50
16746 609-16 * Olympics 3-40pf, VF set 150
16747 621x ** BLOCK 4 42+108pf 1936 VF 60
16748 621x 42+108 BLOCK 4, VF USED München 26-7-36 60
16749 621x 42+108 BLOCK 4, VF USED München 26-7-36 55
16750 621x 42+108 BLOCK 4, VF USED München 26-7-36 50
16751 622 6pf KALZIG 20-8-36, SUPERB 50
16752 622-23 ** 15pf VF 3-strip, 6pf pair w gumbends 75
16753 622-23 6,15pf 15pf Superb Berlin Charl.17-7-36 50
16754 623 ** 15PF SUPERB 50
16755 623 ** 15PF SUPERB 50
16756 623 12pf DüSSELDORF 15-7-36, superp 50
16757 624-27 ** BLOCK 5 3-40pf 1936 VF 260
16758 624-31 BLOCK 5-6 Olymics 1936, FDC 1-8-36 used and 16-8-36 VF Mi 180 Euro 300
16759 628-31 ** BLOCK 6 8- 25 pf 1936 VF 230
16760 632 6pf INSTERBURG 24-11-36, SUPERB 50
16761 633 12pf NIENBURG 14-9-36, SUPERB 50
16762 634-41 ** 3-25pf Winterhilfe 1936, VF 100
16763 634-42 ** , 3-40pf, VF SET 200
16764 634-42 *-** 3-40pf Winterhilfswerke 1936, VF 25
16765 645 ** 12PF , superb 35
16766 646 ** 5x BLOCK 7 perf ,6+19 pf 1937 VF 600
16767 646 ** BLOCK 7, VF 200
16768 646 ** BLOCK 7 perf ,6+19 pf 1937 VF 150
16769 646 ** BLOCK 7 perf ,6+19 pf 1937 VF 140
16770 646BL7 Block 7 VF used Berlin 7-5-37 50
16771 647BL8 Block 8 imperf. VF used Berlin 16-4-37 75
16772 648 ** BLOCK 9 ,6+19 pf 1937 VF-EF 600
16773 648 ** BLOCK 9 ,6+19 pf 1937 VF-EF 590
16774 648 ** BLOCK 9 ,6+19 pf 1937 VF-EF 575
16775 649 BLOCK 10used München1-8-37, First Day 250
16776 649 ** VF stamp in Block 10 with tape spots in margin edges. Mi 75 Eurofor stamp+ 190
16777 649BL10 * stamps ** Block 10 100
16778 650 * Block 11, tiny hinge thin , Fine 140
16779 664 ** 12+38pf co marg 4-block 140
16780 665 3pf , BADEN-BADE 20-3-38, superb 50
16781 671 ** 42+108 BRAUNE BAND, VF-EF 250
16782 675-83 Winterhelp 1938 3-40 Pfg, VF USED 95
16783 675-83 VF used set Flowers and landscapes 85
16784 686-88 ** ,12,25pf cars, VF set 290
16785 686-88 ** AUTOS 1939, vf SET 6,12, 25PF 275
16786 699 ** 42+108 pf, horses 19239, VF-EF 200
16787 699 ** 42+108 PF BRAUNE BAND, VF 150
16788 700 *' 6+19pf green, ART 75
16789 728X ** 1mark VF 140
16790 728x,y ** 2 x 1mark co margin copies, VF 145E 250
16791 736 15+10PF, JENA 4-2-40, SUPERB 60
16792 738 5pf, DüSSELDORF 1 2-11-39, PR-LYX 100
16793 760-61 ** 6, 25pf VF 4-blocks 130
16794 767 25 pf blue, WIEN 59 24-X-40, PR 100
16795 773--778 2x6pf 4x8pf 3x16pf +12+20+24pf , 24pf VF-superb all VF used 51 Euro 125
16796 779 25+100, Horse , 5 Vf used copies 80
16797 799-802A 1-5M Hitler perf 12½ , VF used set, 101 Euro, also some perf 14 200
16798 804-805 Wiener Messe 1941, 5 VF used sets 50 Euro 75
16799 810 6+4pf Mozart , SALZBURG 5-12-41, SUPERB used 60
16800 811 6+24pf BERLIN 1-11-42 använd första dagen, superb på klipp FDC 20 EURO 100
16801 811 6+24pf BERLIN 1-11-42 använd första dagen, superb på klipp FDC 20 EURO 80
16802 811 6+24pf BERLIN 1-11-42 använd första dagen, superb (klipp medföljer) FDC 20 EURO 50
16803 811-812 6+24pf 7 st ett använd första dagen , 12+38pf 3 st en med marginal siffra ca 333 Euro 90
16804 813 ** 12+38pf tp marg 4-block, VF 160
16805 814 ** 25+100pf right marg 4-bl, VF 175
16806 814 **25+100PF , HORSE, vFmargincopy 50
16807 815 ** 42+108pf left marg 4-bl 100
16808 843 BERLIN O 17 01?-3-1943, SPECIAL CANCEL SUPERB used before? it was issued 26-3-43?? 100
16809 844-849 Hitler 54 birthday 2 used sets, 6+14pf is on cover 100
16810 864 12+38pfKoch , superb 4-block Leipzig 30-1-44 used 5th day 75
16811 899 42+108 horsees, superb cornermargin copy used München 6-8-44 50
16812 909 ** 12+38Pf SA-Mann 100
16813 909-10 12+38 PF, VF used BERLIN, no guarantee 1000
16814 909-10 ** 12+38 SA+SS , VF 275
16815 9-14 ** DIENST 2-25PF 1905 Frei Durch Ablösung nr 16 UNMOUNTED MINT VF-EF 1100, EURO 1600
16816 73 30+5 pf, Phlharmoni, VF used 200
16817 10 Dienst 1905, 5pf VF used 5-05 40
16818 13 Dienst 1905, 5pf VF used 25-5-06, 70E 140
16819 155-65 ** Dienst 1942-44 1-40pf in VF 4-blocks 475
16820 166-77 ** Dienst 1942-44 3-50pf, VF 4-BLOCK set 400





16821 28 * prakt 150


16822 5ba * 2½ Pia. on 50 pf, looks VF-EF but tiny ,ca ½mm; scraping thin nleft margin, Mi 350 € 375






16823 4 * 10 Pesa/20pfg, VF-XF 75
16824 16 * 20pesa, EF 30





1 Britische Bezetzung



16825 13 Kiatschou 80 pf TSINGTAU 18-12-05, SUPERB PIECE 175






1 Britische Besetzung



1 TOGO Britische Besetzung
16826 44 2p 50c/ 2m. usedd, short perf 220 Euro 225
16827 46-55 8 different not 50-51, 53, used ca 130 Euro 150
16828 1-5 10PARA/ 5pf, 20P/ 10pf , F -VF USED and 1pia/20pf, VF, 11/4 short co perf, 2½/50pf VF 550 EURO 8 stamps some shades, used F -VF 450
16829 12-21 overprint on 5-80pf + 2M (not no 20) used no 22 short co perf, + 12II, 14II ca 140 Euro 125
16830 24-31 6 different VF used not no 25 and 30 100
16831 36-46, 10pa-15pia on 5pf-3m, also 48-50, F-VF used ca 800 Euro 900





1 Deutsche Besetzungsausgaben 1914-19

1 Deutsche Besetzungsausgaben 1939-45


Allierte Zone 3m , Lübeck-Siems -49 VF 75




16833 28-37 Baden 2-90pf,1948, VF used set, 220E 450
16834 28-37 2PF. - 90 PF , VF USED SET 550

16835 45 ** 90


16836 271 Air Block 2 VF used Daposta-37, 80E 200
16837 586 6 pf superb RUSSE 15-10-35 50
16838 593 12 pf superb HASSFURT 5-5-36 40


16839 87 * 30pf Beethoven, VF 30
16840 1-20 ** Black overprint, most copies signed Schlegel ex2,3,5M 84pf is * rest ** Mi ca 360 Euro 550
16841 10 25pf Black overprint Berlin 17-2-49 ,V-EF 125
16842 12 40pf, BERLIN 40 15-2-49, xf 90
16843 21-34 ** red OVERPRINTS 2PF-2 M , VFset 2000
16844 21-34 **2pf-2 Mark Red overprint, all copies signed Schlegel Mi ca 1400 Euro 2000
16845 27 ** 25pf Red overprint, VF-EF signed Schlegel 190
16846 29 40 pf, 3-strip BERL 02-5-49 , 54 Euro 110
16847 29 40 pf, BERL . Wilmer... 10-5-49 , VF 45
16848 30 50 pf, 3-strip BERL .8-4-49 , VF 45
16849 32 80pf red overpr Berlin 14 copies used 110
16850 32 80pf red overpr pair Berlin SW 30-7-49 100
16851 32 80pf red overpr pair Berlin SW 30-7-49 75
16852 32 80pf red overpr Berlin HA... 2-8-49, VF 35
16853 33 1M ...wilmersdorf 1-9-49, sign Schlegel 1300
16854 33 1 M red overpr. , Berlin-Tempelh.., VF 1000
16855 33 1m red overprint, BERLI)N KLADDOW 3-5-49, VF USED 1000
16856 33 1M red overprint, VF used ..ERLIN-BRIT. 950
16857 33 1mk red overprint VF-EF Berlin)-SCHAMARGENDORF 23-3-49, VF-EF 900
16858 33 1dm red overprint, BERLIN 15-9-49, VF 750
16859 33 1M red overprint, BERLIN- TEMPLEHOF 15-9-49,+more cancels. 650 Euro 650
16860 33 1mark red overprint Berlin Reimokendorf 12-9-49, VF 600
16861 34 2M red overprint, VF used 500
16862 34 2m red overprint, BERLIN VF USED 500
16863 34 ** 2 mark red overprint VF-EF 400
16864 34 2M red overprint Berlin 12-8-49, VF-EF 400
16865 34 2dm red overpr. BERLIN SW 2-7-49, VF 300
16866 34 2mk red overprint, VF used -49 300
16867 34 2mk red overprint, VF used ...IN HALIS.. 250
16868 35 12Pf 8-block , u. Berlin NV 60 7-7-49,vf 300
16869 35 12 pf, 4-strip Berlin -49 , VF used 100
16870 35 ** 12PF upu 1949, SUPERB 60
16871 35-41 ** UPU 1949 12pf - 2M , VF -EF set 1500
16872 35-41 ** 12pf- 2 Dm UPU 1949, VF UM set 1400
16873 35-41 UPU 1949,12Pf- 2DM VF USED SET 900
16874 35-41 * UPU 1949, CPL VF SET 800
16875 35-41 * /** 1 DM ** 75 year UPU 12pf-2 dm, VFset 800
16876 35-41 ** UPU 12pf-2DM 1949 VF set 750 Euro 750
16877 35-41 Berlin set UPU 1949, F-VF used 600
16878 35-41 UPU 1949, 12pf-2 Dm, Vf used set 600
16879 35-41 * UPU 1949, Vf set 600
16880 35-41 UPU 12PF-2 DM , VF USED 550
16881 35-41 * UPU 12PF-2DM, VF SET 450
16882 35-41 UPU 1949, F-VF used, 50pf sp, 1M corner crease, Mi 900 Dm 400
16883 35-41 UPU cpl used VF , 1m short corner perf 350
16884 36 ** 16PF upu 1949, SUPERB, PRAKTEX 100
16885 38 50 pf superb BERLIN 18-7-49 350
16886 38 ** 50PF UPU 1949, VF-EF 250
16887 38 * 50 PF oliv, vf 200
16888 38 *(*) 50PF UPU, SUPERB 200
16889 38 50 pf, pair ..LICHTERFLD 7-9-49 ,VF 150
16890 38 50 pf, 3-strip ...N Wilm... 7-49 ,F-VF 150
16891 38 50 pf, 3-strip BERL 25-4-49 ,1short perf 125
16892 38 50 pf, pair BERL 1-7-49 ,1 short perf 110
16893 38 50 pf, BERL.. 06.05-, VF used 100
16894 39 ** 60 pf UPU, VF, gum disturbance 250
16895 39 60 pf, 3-strip Berlin SW 29-4-49 ,sp. VF 160
16896 39 ** 60PF UPU 1949, margin down 160
16897 39 * 60 PF , VF 125
16898 39 60pfg BERLIN -49, VF used 100
16899 39 60pf UPU ...Lichterfeld 7-49, VF used 90
16900 40 1Mark Weltpostverein, Berlin 10-3-51,VF 325
16901 41 2M VF Berlin Wilhelmsdorf 25-6-51 200
16902 41 ** 2DM UPU 1949, VF 200
16903 41 2 mark used 12-10-50 100
16904 61 10pf green Goethe ,Berlin18-10-49, VF u 160
16905 61-63 GOETHE cpl used set, 650 DM 700
16906 61-63 ** Göthe 10, 20, 30pf VF-EF margin set 600
16907 61-63 Goethe VF used set 500
16908 61-63 ** GOETHE 10,20,30 Pf , some gum disturbances, otherwhise VF 380
16909 61-63 Goethe set 10,20,30pb VF -SUPERB used 300
16910 62 Berlin W 15 8-11-49, prs 300
16911 62 20pf red, Goethe Berlin 11-1-50, VF u 175
16912 63 prs Berlin 9-11-49, 2:a st. 175
16913 63 30pf (BERL)IN BW 81 -12-49, VF 175
16914 63 30pf, BERLIN S 30 10-11-49, VF-EF 175
16915 63 30pf blue, BERLIN SW 18-11-49, VF-EF 150
16916 63 30 PF GOETHE, used Berlin -49, Fine 100
16917 63 30 pf Goethe, BERLIN 10-7-50 superb c. 100
16918 64-67 ** 5,10,20,1dm green Overprints VF set 350
16919 64-67 * Green overprint 5pf-1DM , VF set 200
16920 64-67 Green overprint, cpl VF used set 120
16921 67 1M on 3M green overprint, VF used 65
16922 67 Green overpr 1dm/ 3 Dm, VF used -49 50
16923 67 1dm green overprint, ...tempelhof-49 50
16924 67 1 mark green overprint VF used ...EUHEILIGEN 4-3-51 50
16925 68-70 10-30 pf on Card Deutsche Industrie - Messe Hannover 1951, VF used 1-3-51 1700
16926 68-70 ** BLOCK 1 with10,20,30 pf Währungsgeschädigte , VF-superb Block. 1700
16927 68-70 Berlin Valutaserien på äktgånget minneskort stpl Hannover 1-5-51, Mi 600 Euro 800
16928 71 ** ERP 20pf, VF-EF 175
16929 72 Philharmonie 30+5pf in VF stripof 4, used Villingen 1951 700
16930 72-73 10, 30 pf on card Deutsche Industri messe 1951, VF HANNOVER 1-5-51 300
16931 72-73 10,30 pf Philharm. special cancels 1951 300
16932 72-73 Philharmonie, VF-Fine Berlin-11-50 280
16933 72-73 10pf, 30pg ..Charlottenburg -12-50, VF 250
16934 72-73 ** 10, 30 pf philaharmonie, VF-EF 250
16935 72-73 ** 10,30PF PHILHARMONIE VF SET 150
16936 72-73 * Belirner Philharmonie, Vf set 100
16937 72-73 * Philharmonie, VF mint 100
16938 72-74 10, 30, 20 pf on card Deutsche Industri messe 1951, VF HANNOVER 1-5-51 400
16939 73 30+5Pf ,VF used BERLIN W 11 21-1-51, with lower margin 350
16940 73 30+5pf, Berlin Charltteburg 2 16-6-55, LYXs 300
16941 74 ** 20pf Lorzing, VF 75
16942 74 * 20pf Lorzing, superb 50
16943 75-78 5,10,20,30 pf Bells, VF used 200
16944 75-79 ** 5-40pf Fredoom bells Klöppel links,VF 150
16945 75-79 * 5-40pf Glockene, Klöppel links, VF 75
16946 80-81 ** 10, 20 pf Tag der Briefmarke 1951 EF 100
16947 80-81 * 10+3, 20+2 PF, VF 60
16948 80-81 * 10-20pf Tag der Briefmarke, VF 50
16949 82-86 Freedoom Bells, VF used set 275
16950 82-86 bra stpl serie 240 Dm 240
16951 82-86 ** Glocken 5-40pf Klöppel Rechts VF-EF 225
16952 82-86 ** 5-40pf Freedom Bells, Klöppel rechts 200
16953 82-86 * 5-40pf Glockene, Klöppel rechts, VF 95
16954 83-84 ** 10-20pf Fredoom bells Klöppel rechts 35
16955 85 30pf Bells, VF used on piece 175
16956 85 rv stpl 2-4-52, 130 dm 150
16957 85 rv stpl 1952 125
16958 85 ** 30pf Fredoom bells Klöppel r. Superb 125
16959 85 30 PF VF used 23-8-52 80
16960 85 30 PF VF used ...NDORF 70
16961 87 30 PFG Beethooven, PR Berlin 29-7-49 200
16962 87 bra stpl ex 100 Dm 125
16963 87 ** 30 Pf Beethoven, superb 125
16964 87 ** 30pf Beethoven , SUPERB 100
16965 87 *(*) 30 PF BEETHOVEN, EF 65
16966 87 * Beethoven, VF-EF 40
16967 88-90 Olympics, VF used 115
16968 88-90 4-20 pf , Olympics, VF used set 110
16969 88-90 Olympics, VF used 110
16970 88-90 Olympics 1952, VF used 100
16971 88-90 *(*) 4-20PF OLYMPICS 1952, VF 45
16972 88-90 ** 4,10,20pf OLYNPICS 1952, VF 45
16973 88-90 * 4,10,20pf Olympic Games 1952 , VF 25
16974 89 10pf BERLIN 65 12-9-57, SUPERB 125
16975 89 10pf Olympics, Rostock 22-11-52, prs 50
16976 91-100 ** 4-40pf, famous men, 20pf *, Vf set 300
16977 91-100 ** 4pf-40pf Männern 1952 kpl, VF-EF 250
16978 91-100 ** 4-40pf Männern Berlins, VF set 200
16979 91-100 *(*) 4-40PF BERLINER MÄNNERN, vf-ef 150
16980 91-100 *(*)Famous men 1952/53, VF set 100
16981 91-97 ** 4-20pf Männern Berlins, VF 40
16982 94 20PF BERLIN-SPANDAU 15-1-53, lyxs 60
16983 99 ** 30pf Männern Berlins, superb 50
16984 100 40PF BERLIN-Charlottenb 24-5-53, lyxs 100
16985 100 ** 40pf Männern Berlins, superb 70
16986 101-05 ** Freedom bells 1953, VF 250
16987 101-05 Bells , Klöppel Mitte, VF used set 150
16988 101-105 ** (5pf *), 10-40 pf top margin and ** 200
16989 105 ** 40 pf. pr-lyx 160 Dm 225
16990 109 30+15pf Kirche, Vf used 200
16991 110 20PF, BERLIN Charl.29-9-53, LYX, XF 100
16992 110-11 17 Juni 1953, VF used 95
16993 111 30PF, vf-xf BERLIN -NE... 25-9-53 130
16994 111 30pf BERLIN SW 15-2-54, VF 100
16995 113 ** 20pf Olympiastadion, VF-EF 125
16996 120 4 FDC 1954 no 116, 119-20, 124 , 153 E 300
16997 121 ** 7 pf blue green, SUPERB, PR-LYX 15
16998 121-23 * 7,40,70 pf, Bauten 1954, VF 150
16999 123 ** 70 pf olive , VF 300
17000 165 KOLENFELD 4-11-53, SUPERB 60
17001 171 ** 20 PF ERP 1950, VF 150
17002 74-97 Germany Zone , Bauten perf 14 13 different 4-pf -1 DM inkl 80, 90, 1 dm VF quality. Mi ca 250 Euro 250

Amerikanische und Britische Zone



17003 111 10pf with upper margin "1,50", VF used 100
17004 111-112 10+20pf Bundestag FDC Bonn 7-9-49, first FDC of BRED Mi 150 Euro 300
17005 111-112 * Ersten D. Bundestages Bonn, VF-XF 150
17006 111-112 10pf Fine, 20pf VF used, Bundestag 90
17007 111-12 10, 20PF Bundestag, VF used 125
17008 112 20pf w. lower margin ,VF Esslingen -49 100
17009 113-115 10-30PF Briefmarken 100 years, VF used 200
17010 113-15 100 yearStamps, VF-XFused on pieces 450
17011 113-15 100 Years German stamps, VF used set 450
17012 113-15 10-30 pf on (cut) card Hannover 9-5-50, VF-EF SET USED 450
17013 113-15 VF set on postcard Hannover Industri-Messe 3-5-50 375
17014 113-15 stamp jubelee 1949, VF used set 325
17015 113-15 10,20,30pf Briefmarken 110, VF-EFused 325
17016 113-15 10,20,30 pf 100 years German stamps, 30 pf signed Schlegel BPP 210
17017 113-15 * stamp jubelee 1949, VF set 170
17018 113-15 * 10-30pf 100jahre D. Briefmarken, EF 140
17019 113-15 *(*) 10+2, 20,30 pf 100 yyars VF-EF set 100
17020 113-15 ** 10pf, *20-30pf, F-VF set Briefmarken 75
17021 113var * 10pf, misplaced perforation, holes from printing machine, Rare 500
17022 115 VERY FINE USED 200
17023 115 30pf, VF USED ..ÖLN 200
17024 115 30pf DUISBURG 4-3-50, VF-XF 150
17025 115 30pf DüSSELDORF 11-2-50, VF 140
17026 115 30pf ..NKFURT (MAIN) 18-8-50, VF 110
17027 116 ** UPU 30pf, VF margincopy 200
17028 116 rv st 6-12-49 170
17029 116 en lätt stpl, 140 Dm 150
17030 116 30pf Stephans, Vf ...GKOEN 5-12-49 100
17031 116 * upu 1949, Stephan, superb 90
17032 116 * 30 pf Stephan , UPU 1949, VF 65
17033 116 30 pf Stephans, REMSCHEID 6 15-10-49 VF 65
17034 116 *(*) 30 pf Stephans, VF 50
17035 117-20 VERY FINE USED SET 500
17036 117-20 ** 8-30pf VF-supurb 400
17037 117-20 ** 8-30pf Wohlfahrt 1949, VF 350
17038 117-20 8-30 pf on Card Deutsche Industrie - Messe Hannover 1951, VF used 1-3-51 350
17039 117-20 ** 8-30pf VF 350
17040 117-20 8-30pf Wohlfahrt 1949, VF used 300
17041 117-20 Wohlfahrt 1949, VF used set 275
17042 117-20 ** 8,10,20,30 pf VF-EF Wohlfahrt 1949 240
17043 117-20 8pf-30+15 pf på kort stpl München 2 30-9-50, 170 Euro 225
17044 117-20 8,10,20,30 Wohlfahrt 1949 30 pf signed Schlegel BPP, VF-EF 220
17045 117-20 ** 8-30Pf wOHLFAHRT 1949, VFset 200
17046 117-20 *(*) 8-30PF 1949, VFSET 175
17047 118 ** 10pf, VF 60
17048 118-20 10,20 ,30 pf, VF used 200
17049 119-20 Wohlfahrt 20,30pf, VF used Hamburg-50 400
17050 120 Wichern 30+15PF BLUE, VF used 350
17051 120 30+15pf Wohlfart 1949, VF used WOLF.. 250
17052 120 30+15pf Wohlfart 1949, VF used 200
17053 120 ** 30+15pf, Wohlfahtrt 1949 200
17054 120 30pf Wichern , VF used 4-2-50 200
17055 120 30pf Wichern , VF used ...BURG 5-6-50 150
17056 121 ** prakt 10+2 pf Bach 250
17057 121 lätt hörnstpl 200
17058 121 VERY FINE USED 200
17059 121 10+2pf, VF used 100
17060 121 stpl , obet kt 90
17061 121-22 stpl 400
17062 121-22 Bach 10pf with cornermargin and 20+3PF lowermargin, VF -XF used 400
17063 121-22 BACH 10-20PF, VF USED 300
17064 121-22 10, 20 pf BACH, VF USED SET 275
17065 121-22 Bach, VF used set 275
17066 121-22 Bach cpl set VF used 200
17067 121-22 10, 20pf Bach 1950, VF used 200
17068 121-22 * Bach 10, 20 pf, VF-XF set 175
17069 121-22 10,20 Bach 1950 30 both signed Schlegel BPP, VF-EF 175
17070 121-22 * 10-20 pf Bach, VF set 170
17071 121-22 10, 20 PF Bach 24-7-50 and 8-50 VF u 150
17072 121-22 10,20 NBA 1951 30 VF used HAN... 140
17073 121-22 Bach på kort stpl München 2 30-9-50, 100
17074 121-22 * BACH 1950, cpl set, VF 90
17075 122 stpl. 13-12 50 250
17076 122 BACH 20+3PF, VF USED 175
17077 122 ** 20+3 PF, vf-ef 175
17078 122 * 20+3 pf, v.f. 100
17079 123-32 *(*) 2-30pf Posthorn, VF-EF lightly hinge 105 Euro 150
17080 136 *(*) 70pf Posthorn, VF lightly hinge trace 300
17081 137 *(*) 80pf Posthorn, SUPERB very lightly hinge trace 300
17082 138 *(*) 90pf Posthorn, SUPERB lightly hinge trace 300
17083 138 90PF, REUTLINGEN 7-4-53, SUPERB 70
17084 139 bra stpl ex 300
17085 139 10+5Pf MARINK., Fine used BONN 250
17086 139 ** 10+5 pf, Marienkirche, small gum crease, perfektly centered 150
17087 139-40 Marienkirche VF-XF used Stuttgart -51 575
17088 139-40 ** 10,20pf Marienkirche , VF +EF 525
17089 139-40 10, 20Pf on card , VF Münich 30-9-51 500
17090 139-40 Marienk., VF Hamburg-Altona 20-9-51 500
17091 139-40 Marienk. VF set on piece HAMBURG -FLENSBURG ZUG 00100 07-10-51 500
17092 139-40 10+20Pf ON Cover to SWEDEN 1952 500
17093 139-40 Marie. sonderst Lübeck 31-?-51, VF-EF 500
17094 139-40 WOLFENBUTTLE 19-9-51, VF used 500
17095 139-40 ** Marienkirche 10, 20 pf, VF 500
17096 139-40 ** Marienkirche cpl , VF 500
17097 139-40 Marienkirche 10, 20 pf, on 2 cards VF used on 2 cards 1951 500
17098 139-40 Marienkirche10-20+5pf, Fine-VF used 450
17099 139-40 10PF, VF used, 20pf Superb c. but sp tip 375
17100 139-40 ** 10, 20 PF MARIENKIRCHE, VF 350
17101 139-40 10,20pf Marienkirche VF used 300
17102 139-40 * Marienkirche cpl VF set 225
17103 139-40 10p, 20pf (crease) Marienkirche used , 225
17104 139-40 *(*) 10, 20 PF St: Marys Church, VF 200
17105 139-40 Marienkirche card Lübeck 31-8-51, 2 Tag, 20pf short perfs 200
17106 139-40 ** 10+5pf Marienkirche **, 20+5pf *, VF 200
17107 139-40 *(*) Marienkirche 1951, cpl set, superb 175
17108 140 ** 20+5pf Marienkirche, superb 260
17109 140 * 20+5pf Marienkirche, corner marg 125
17110 141 10pf NBA VF used ... BURG 12-57 110
17111 141-42 ** 10-20pf NBA 1951, superb set 275
17112 141-42 NBA VF USED SET 250
17113 141-42 ** 10, 20pf upper marginpairs, VF 250
17114 141-42 WOLFEN(BUTTLE) 16+19-9-51, VF u 230
17115 141-42 10.20PF NBA , VF USED 225
17116 141-42 NBA 10,20 pf , VF used 200
17117 141-42 ** NBA cpl, VF 200
17118 141-42 NBA 1951, VF u 190
17119 141-42 ** 10PF VF, 20PF sp+ co crease 120
17120 141-42 *(*) 10+2, 20+3pf NBA, VF 110
17121 141-42 * NBA 10, 20 pf, VF 100
17122 141-42 * NBA cpl VF set 10, 20 pf 100
17123 142 20pf NBA on postcard, Münich 30-9-51 200
17124 142 * prakt 90
17125 143-146 * Wohlfahrt 1951 cpl set, VF 150
17126 143-46 Wohlfahrt 1951, 4-30pf , VF used 500
17127 143-46 3-30PF, VF-XF USED 500
17128 143-46 3-30 Pf 1951, VF-F used set 400
17129 143-46 4-30 "Helfer Der Menschheit" 1953,VFU 375
17130 143-46 Wohlfart 1951, VF used 375
17131 143-46 ** 4-30pf , VF-EF 375
17132 143-46 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1951, VF used 350
17133 143-46 ** 4-30pf , VF-EF 330
17134 143-46 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1951, VF used 300
17135 143-46 ** 4pf- 30+5 PF Pestalozzi, superb set 300
17136 143-46 * 4-30pf, VF-EF set Wohlfahrt 1951 225
17137 143-46 ** 4PF-30PF, 1951 WOHLFAHRT, VF 200
17138 143-46 4,10,20,30 Wohlfahrt 1949 30 pf signed Schlegel BPP, VF 150
17139 144 ** 10+3PF green, 1951, VF-EF 45
17140 145 ** 20pf, VF 45
17141 145 ** 20+5 PF , TOP MARGIN , superb 45
17142 145 ** 20+5 PF bRÄNDSTRÖM, vf 25
17143 146 stpl 400
17144 146 ** 30+10 pf 1951, SUPERB 300
17145 146 ** 30 +10 PF BLUE Pestalozzi, LYX 275
17146 146 30pf Pestalocci , VF-xf Bayeruth 3-4-52 250
17147 146 30pf Pestalocci , VF-xf Geor.. 18-4-52 200
17148 146 ** 30+10 PF Pestalozzi, Superb 200
17149 146 ** 30+5 PF Pestalozzi, VF 175
17150 146 30pf VF used also 4-20pf F-VF used 175
17151 146 ** 30+10 pf 1951 Pestalozzi prc, kt 100
17152 147 ** 30pf Röntgen, margincopy VF-EF 200
17153 147 ** RÖNTGEN 30 pf, prakt, superb 150
17154 147 ** 30 pf RÖNTGEN , EF- superb 125
17155 147 PR AUGSBURG 3-1-52 100
17156 147 * Röntgen 30 pf, VF-EF 100
17157 147 * Röntgen 30pf, VF-EF 100
17158 147 30 pf Röntgen , BERLIN 8-2-52, PRAKT 100
17159 147 klipp, rv Berlin 5-6-62 75
17160 147 stpl 19-3-52 75
17161 147 30 pf Röntgen ,STOBER.. 16-5-52, piece 70
17162 147 *(*) 30pf Röntgen, VF-superb 60
17163 147 VF USED , Röntgen 30 pf 50
17164 149 ** 10pf Weltbund , 40 copies of which 8x4-bl. EF, Mi 720 Euro 1000
17165 149 ** 10pf Weltbund , margin 4-bl. EF, LYX 175
17166 149 ** 10pfWeltbund 1952, margin 4-bl. EF 150
17167 149 ** 10pf Weltbund , co.marg 4-bl. VF-EF 125
17168 149 ** Cornermarginpair, XF 120
17169 149 ** 10pf Weltbund 1952, EF 45
17170 149 ** Luther 1952 10pf, VF 35
17171 150 ** 30pfg O. MOTOR, cornermarg 4-bl,VF 450
17172 150 3-strip stpl 150 DM 150
17173 150 30 pf Otto ,Durerstad?.. 20-9-52, prakt 100
17174 150 ** 30PF OTTO MOTOR, LYX 95
17175 150 ** Otto Motor 30pf, VF with right margin 90
17176 150 20PF Hannover 03-10-52, prs 75
17177 150 ** Otto Motor 30pf 1952, praktex 75
17178 150 *(*) Otto Motor 30pf, superb 50
17179 150 30 pf Otto ,Du.. 11-11-52, VF 35
17180 151 ** Nationalmuseum , cornermarg copy 65
17181 152 ** par 100
17182 152 ** 20PF, XF with upper margin 75
17183 152 pr Nürnberg 22-9-52 60
17184 152 ** 20pf red Helgoland 1952, praktex 40
17185 152 ** Helgoland 20pf red 1952 , VF 35
17186 153-54 ** Jugend 1952 10-20pf in superb top left corner margin 4-blocks. 475
17187 153-54 stpl 10pf sign Schlegel 160
17188 153-54 10,20pf Jugend, VF used 140
17189 153-54 ** Jugend 1952, VF-XF 125
17190 153-54 Jugend, VF used set 125
17191 153-54 10, 20 pf Jugend, VF used 125
17192 153-54 10, 20 pf stpl Berlin -52, VF 80
17193 153-54 * 10-20pf Jugend 75
17194 153-54 *(*) 10-20 pf "Jugendplan" 1952, VF-EF 60
17195 155 ** Carl Schurz 20pf 1952, VF 35
17196 156-57 ** 4, 10 PF, VF-XF 60
17197 156-58 4-20Pf , VF used 140
17198 156-59 4-40PF Helfer der M. VF used set 360
17199 156-59 stpl serie 350
17200 156-59 4-30pf VF piece, HILDESHEIM 12-12-53 350
17201 156-59 4-30pf cpl and no 148+160 on cover HANNOVER Industri Messe 03-5-53,VF 300
17202 156-59 ** 30+10PF, 1952, VE-EF SET 225
17203 156-59 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1952, VF used 200
17204 156-59 ** 4-30pf Dunant, Wohlfahrt 1952, VF 200
17205 156-59 4,10,20,30 Wohlfahrt 1952 30 pf signed Schlegel BPP, VF-EF 140
17206 158 * 28 dm 40
17207 159 30+10pf, Dunant, Vf used... nnstedt 300
17208 159 stpl 220 dm 275
17209 159 ** 30 pf, Dunant, VF lower margin copy 250
17210 159 30Pf Dunant, VFused, ESSEN 13-10-52 225
17211 159 30pf Dunant , HAMBURG 24-3-53, VF-ef 225
17212 159 ** 30pf SUPERB prakt+ 4+10pf *, VF 200
17213 159 30Pf VF used -52 190
17214 159 30+10pf Dunant VF used corner cancel 175
17215 159 30pf Dunant, piece BREMEN 26-11-52 175
17216 159 30pf Dunant VF used ...ENBURG -53 150
17217 159 * 135 dm 100
17218 160 ** 10pf Thurn u Thaxis, superb 25
17219 161 Praktex Berlin 27-10-55 stpl första DAG!! 250
17220 161 ** 30pf Fernsprecher, Reis, superb 110
17221 161 pr-lyxs Frankf. 19-12-52 100
17222 161 30pf REIS ..RTWANGEN 3-11-52, VF-XF 35
17223 161 30pf REIS ..BINGEN 8-4-53, VF-XF 35
17224 162 ** 20 pf Verkehrunfälle, VF 55
17225 162-166 ** 5 different 20,10,10,10,30pf, 130 Euro 175
17226 163 * 45 dm 50
17227 164 Dunanat 10pf, VF used 35
17228 165 10PF, DETMOLD 16-11-53, Superb 50
17229 165 10PF, Stuttgart 10-11-53, Superb PAIR 30
17230 166 30pf Liebig, single on VF-XF cover München 21-5-53 to Finland. 175
17231 166 ab-pr Hannover 16-9-53 140
17232 166 30PF Liebig strip of 3 used 125
17233 166 30pf MüNCHEN -53, margin copy used 100
17234 166 30pf Liebig, VF used 70
17235 166 FREIBURG 6-6-53 VF-EF 70
17236 166 30Pf Leibig VF used 6-10-53, VF-EF 50
17237 167-70 ** 4-30pf Verkehr. superb set 225
17238 167-70 ** 4-30pf Verkehr 1953, VF 150
17239 167-70 * 4-30 pf Verkehrausstellung 1953, VF 100
17240 167-70 * 4-30 pf Verkehr 90
17241 167-70 * 4-30pf Verkehr 1953, VF 50
17242 167-74 ** 4-30pf Verkehr 1953, VF-EF set 225
17243 168-70 * 130 Dm 100
17244 170 30pf HAMBURG13-5-53, margin copy 110
17245 170 stpl 75
17246 170 30pf Verkehr 21-9-53, vf 35
17247 171 hörn stpl 95
17248 171-72 IFRABA 1953, VF USED SET 180
17249 171-72 10,20pf IFRABA VF USED set 120
17250 172 ** prakt 150
17251 173 ** 4+2 pf 30
17252 173-75 ** 4PF-30PF, 1953 WOHLFAHRT, VF 140
17253 173-76 4+2- 30+10Pf Helfer 1953, VF used set 300
17254 173-76 7-40 pf Wohlfahrt 1953, VF used 250
17255 173-76 ** 4-30PF Wohlfahrt 1953, 30 pf superb 225
17256 173-76 4-30 pf, 10pf spp, VF used 200
17257 173-76 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1953, VF used 190
17258 173-76 ** 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1953, VF set 175
17259 173-76 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1953, superb set 175
17260 173-76 4Herman-30pf NANSEN ,VF USED SET 170
17261 173-76 ** 4-30Pf, VF set ( 30pf gumcrease) 165
17262 173-76 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1953, VF used set 140
17263 173-76 * 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1953, VF 100
17264 176 stpl 200
17265 176 ** 30+5 PF Nansen, Superb 160
17266 176 30pf NANSEN ,Hamburg 17-12-53, VF 150
17267 176 30+10PF NANSEN, WÄBS... 20-1-54, VF 140
17268 176 ** 30+10 pf 1953 Nansen VF 100
17269 177-196 * HEUSS 2pf- 3DM, VF set 290
17270 177-96 *(*) Heuss cpl 2pf-3 dm , VF 250
17271 187 ** 30 pf "kobalt", Heuss, XF 45
17272 189-96 ** 50PF-3DM HEUSS 1954 , VF,ca 300E 350
17273 189x ** 50pf Heuss, VF 300
17274 190x ** 60pf Heuss, VF 75
17275 199 ** 20pf Bonifatius, VF 20
17276 200-03 7+3- 30+10Pf Helfer 1954, VF used set 200
17277 200-03 7-40 pf Wohlfahrt 1954, VF used 150
17278 200-03 ** 7PF-40PF 1954, vf-SUPERB 150
17279 200-03 4-30pf Wohlfahrt 1954, VF used 125
17280 200-03 ** 7-30 pf 1954, VF set 120
17281 200-03 ** 7-40 Pf Wohlfart 1954, VF set 120
17282 200-03 7-40PF Helfer der M. used set, tiny faults 100
17283 200-03 7-40pf Wohlfahrt 1954, VF used 100
17284 200-03 7-3pf 1954, VF used set 100
17285 200-03 7-30pf Wohlfahrt 1954, VF used set, 30pf signed SChlegel 90
17286 200-203 ** 7-40 pf Wohlfahrt 1954, VF set 90
17287 201-03 ** 10-30pf Wohlfart 1954, VF margincop. 75
17288 203 40PF BLUE, EF 110
17289 203 ** 40 Pf Wohlfart 1954, VF-XF margInc. 90
17290 203 40PF PAPPENHEIM , VF Hambu... 70
17291 203 40PF PAPPENHEIM , VF ...sburg 50
17292 204 ** 10pf Gauss, VF 15
17293 205 5pf, ASSMANSHAUSEN 4-10-55, superb 100
17294 205-08 ** AIR 1953, VF SET IN 4-BLOCKS 400
17295 205-08 ** AIR MAIL 1955 5-20pf in VF-EF corner margin 4-blocks. 375
17296 205-08 ** LUFTHANSA 2 cpl set 5+20pf in pairs 200
17297 205-08 ** VF-XF right margin set 110
17298 205-08 ** 5-20PF LUFTHANSA, VF set 100
17299 205-08 ** 5-20pf Luftpost, Vf 100
17300 205-08 5-20pf Lufthansa, VF used set 50
17301 207,210 15pf+40pf Airmailcover to Sweden 1955 100
17302 209 ** 10Pf green, Miller, pr-lyx, XF 25
17303 210 ** 40 pf Schiller , SUPERB 65
17304 210 40pf BERLIN -SCHÖNEBERG 3-6-55 60
17305 211 ** 20pf Kraftpost, VF-EF 35
17306 214 ** 20pf Forschung, 15 copies (3x4bl) EF 310
17307 214 ** 20pf Forschung, marg 4-BL, EF, lyx 140
17308 214 ** 20pf Forschung, marg 4-BL, EF 120
17309 214-02 ** 20pf Forschung, VF 4-BLOCK 100
17310 216 ** LYX 50
17311 217 ** 10, 20 pf WESTROPA 1955, VF set 40
17312 217-18 ** 50 DM 75
17313 217-18 10+20 PF 1955, vf USED 40
17314 222-25 ** 7-40 Pf Wohlfart 1955, SUBERB set in blocks of 6 with top margin, 10pf one stamp defective. 450
17315 222-25 7-40pf Wohlfahrt 1955, VF used 125
17316 222-25 ** 7-40 Pf Wohlfart 1955, SUBERB set in cornermargin copies 125
17317 222-25 ** 7-40pf Wohlfahrt 1955, VF 110
17318 222-25 **7-40pf Wohlfahrt 1955, VF 100
17319 222-25 ** 7-40 Pf Wohlfart 1955, SUBERB set 100
17320 222-25 ** 7-40 Pf Wohlfart 1955, SUBERB set 90
17321 222-25 ** 7-40 Pf Wohlfart 1955, SUBERB set 80
17322 222-25 ** 10-30pf Wohlfart 19545 VF SET 80
17323 222-25 ** 7-40 pf Wohlfahrt 1955, VF set 80
17324 222-25 7-40 pf Nightinggale, VF used 75
17325 222-25 ** 7-40 Pf Wohlfart 1955, SUBERB set 70
17326 225 40+10PF, USED ...t(Main)- BASEL 1953 150
17327 225 40 pf Wohlfahrt 1955, VF used 150
17328 225 40 pf Nightinggale, Frankfurt 1-12-55 VF 80
17329 225 40 pf Nightinggale, Frankfurt 2-12-55 VF 75
17330 225 40pf Wohlfahrt 195, VF used signed Schlegel 75
17331 225 40 pf Nightinggale, VFu...NNOVER -55 55
17332 235-36 VERY FINE USED 35
17333 241-42 ** 10,40 pf Cept 1956,top margin 4-BL,. 100
17334 241-42 ** CEPT 1956, 10+40pf , VF SET 30
17335 243-46 ** Kinder -56 7-40 pf, 4-bl set, Vf 200
17336 243-46 ** Kinder -56 7-40 pf, VF set i pairs 90
17337 243-46 ** Kinder -56 7-40 pf, VF set 55
17338 250-51 ** Kinder -57 10,20 pf, co marg. 4BL. VF 55
17339 250-51 ** Kinder -57 10,20 pf, co marg. 4BL. EF 45
17340 270-73 ** 4-block 250
17341 297-300 ** 4-block 100
17342 302-306 ** superb set 100
17343 302-306 ** V.F. set 60
17344 313-17 ** Block 2, Beethoven, VF 70
17345 315-19 BLOCK 6 Beethovenblock on small cover FDC used BNN 1 8-9-59, VF 350
17346 315-19 block 2 Beethoven ( small corner cut) FDC cancel Bonn 8-9-59, MI 140 Euro 140
17347 340-43 ** 4-block 50
17348 431-38 BL3, BONN 20-7-64, used on First Day 90
17349 578-81 ** 10-50pf Horses 1969 4-block set 40
17350 587-90 ** Olympics 1972 cornermarg 4-blocks 40
17351 754-57 ** BIRDS 1973, VF 4-BLOCK set 75
17352 818-21,24 ** 30-70+ 40 pf Flowers 1974 4-block set 35
17353 846-59 ** 5-500, also 7 more valuespf mostly with margins, Industri unf Technil 40
17354 964-67 ** 30-70pf Luftfahrt 1978, 4-block set 40
17355 1005-08 ** 40-90pf Luftfahrt 1979, 4-block set 35
17356 1040-43 ** 40-90pf Luftfahrt 1980, 4-block set 30

17357 239 ** 50+4,50Dm in block 6 *, Goetheblock 600
17358 239BL6 ** BLOCK 6 GOETHE , VF 550
17359 239BL6 ** Goethe block, vf 550
17360 239BL6 * Goethe BLOCK 1949, VF ,stamp ** 500
17361 239BL6 ** Soviet Zone 1949 Goethe souvenir sheet 6 .EUR 220 350


17362 242 ** 50 pf up left co marg 4-block, EF 120
17363 242 50pf BERLIN W8 2-11-49, SUPERB 90
17364 242 50Pf , PR SALLGAST 3-9-51 75
17365 242 DDR 50PF BERLIN 12-12-49, VF-EF 50
17366 242 ** 50PF top margin copy, superb 50
17367 242 ** 75 YEARS upu, VF cornermargin copy 40
17368 242DV ** 50 pf low left co marg 4-block, EF 175
17369 242DZ ** 50 pf low right co marg 4-block, EF 175
17370 243 1949 12pf 4 used in 2 pairs 100Euro 75
17371 243 1949 12pf Babelsberg 29-4-50, superb 50
17372 243-44 12,30PF Gewerks., VF used set 75
17373 243-44 **, 12,30PF Gewerks., VF set 42
17374 245 ** 12 pf black up right co marg 4-bl. VF 95
17375 245 ** 12+3pf black, VF 30
17376 245 12+3 PF black, VF used 30-12-49 30
17377 245 ** 12 PF+3PF BLACK 25
17378 246-47 ** 24,30pf, VFlow le. co.marg 4-block set 225
17379 246-47 12, 24pf SPORT, VF CHEMNITZ 13-3-50 60
17380 246-47 ** 12+24pf, VF-XF set 55
17381 246-47 VF USED SPORT SET 1950 50
17382 246-47 ** 12, 24 PF WINTERSPORT 40
17383 246-47 **, 12,24PF Sport., VF set 35
17384 246-47DV ** 24,30pf, sports 1950 EF low right. co.marg 4-block set, inscription €142 270
17385 248-49 ** VF margin set 24+12, 30+14 100
17386 248-49 24, 30 Pf Leipz M., VF Chemnitz 7-3-50 100
17387 248-49 ** 24,30PF, vf up right co marg set 85
17388 248-49 ** 24, 30 +12PF 60
17389 248-49 ** 24,30PF MESSE 1949., VF set 35
17390 250 ** 30pf, EF up left co margin 4-block 250
17391 250 ** 30pf, 1 Mai 60 years, VF marg 4-block 220
17392 250 ** 30 Pf .VF margin copy 100
17393 250 3Pf PLAUENWOGTLI 1 5-5-50, VF-XF 80
17394 250 30Pf MEUSELWI... 27-2-51, VF 70
17395 250 30pf Tag der Arbeit , VF used ...NITZ 1 70
17396 250 1MAY, 30 PF, VF USED BERLIN 10-7-50 60
17397 250 30Pf., 60 jahr 1 MAI, VF used 16-12-5 45
17398 250 ** 30Pf., 60 jahr 1 MAI, VF 35
17399 251 ** 12PF BLUE, upper margin copy, EF 100
17400 251-55 * Pieck 1950, 12pf-5Dm , VF (340dm) 120
17401 251-55 12.24pf 1.2.5 Dm Pieck, VF used 75
17402 251-55 * 12PF-5DM Peck, VF set mint 60
17403 252 ** 24 pf superb marg no pair, VF 150
17404 252 ** 24 pf superb marg no 5 copy, VF 90
17405 253 ** 1DM olive , superb, pr-lyx 120
17406 253 ** 1DM, upper margin copy, EF 110
17407 253 ** 1DM olive , superb 100
17408 253-53 * V.F. 50
17409 254 ** 2DM brown , superb, lyx 4-block 225
17410 255 ** 5DM BL.BLUE, EF, LYX 35
17411 255 ** 5DM PIECK, cornermargincopy 30
17412 256-59 ** 12-50pf, VF low margin set 125
17413 256-59 ** BACH 12-50 pf 1950, VF set 125
17414 256-59 ** BACH 12-50PF 120
17415 256-59 ** BACH VF SET 100
17416 256-59 12.24,30,50pf ,Bach 1950 VF used 75
17417 256-9 1-50Pf on piece LEIPZIG 14-6-50, VF 125
17418 260 ** 84 pf superb pair, prakt 190
17419 260 ** DEBRIA 1950 , VF 150
17420 260 ** 84 pf VF margincopy 150
17421 260 ** 84PF brownred, VF-superb 150
17422 260 ** 84pf, Depbria Leipzig 1950, VF 140
17423 260 ** 84 pf superb, prakt 140
17424 260 ** 84 PF, VF 135
17425 260 ** 125
17426 260 84pf ,Debria 1950 VF used 40
17427 261 ** 1950 1pf grey, 22 copies ** in 2x4-bl, 2x 6-bbl +2 Mi 132 Euro 100
17428 261-270 ** 1-50pf AKADEMIE 1950, 1 and 50pf small spot in gum Mi ca 170 Euro 225
17429 261-62 ** 1, 5 PF, vf- sUPERB 35
17430 261-70 ** VF set 1-50pf, 12 pf * 437Dm 600
17431 261-70 ** German Academy 1950, VF cpl set 500
17432 261-70 ** Academy , VF-EF margin set 500
17433 261-70 ** Deutsche Akademie, 1-50PF, VF set 450
17434 261-70 1-50Pf Academy, VF used on cover(tear) 400
17435 261-70 1-50Pf on piece LEIPZIG 10-7-50, VF 400
17436 261-70 ** 1-50pf Academy 1950, VFset 390
17437 261-70 German Academy 1950, 1-50pf, F-VF U 300
17438 261-70 ** 1-50PF Akademie 1950, VF set 300
17439 261-70 1-50PF Akademie 1950, VF used 300
17440 261-70 Akademie. 1-50pf, VF used 275
17441 261-70 1-50Pf 1950 , VF USED SET, 50c sp 225
17442 261-70 ** Akademi 1-50pf 12pf *, 1950 VF 175
17443 261-70 Akademi 1-50pf 1950 F-VF used set 150
17444 261-70 * 1-50PF Akademie 1950, VF MINT 140
17445 263 ** 6 PF SUPERB 35
17446 264 ** 8 pf German Academy 1950, superb 75
17447 264 ** 8 PF SUPERB 60
17448 267 ** 16 pf German Academy 1950, VF 65
17449 268 20Pf lila, BERLIN 18-7-50, VF-XF (PRS) 100
17450 269 ** 24 PF SUPERB-VF 70
17451 270 ** 50 pf German Academy 1950, superb 110
17452 271-2BL * BLOCK 7 DEBRIA 1950, VF 150
17453 271-72 ** BLOCK 7 DEBRIA, XF , RARE XF GUM 600
17454 271-72 ** DEBRIA BLOCK 7 , "enger Abstand zwischen den Marken" VF 475
17455 271-72 ** DEBRIA ,BLOCK 7, 1950 , VF 400
17456 271-72 ** Debria Block 7, VF UM 200
17457 273-74 1950 12,24pf 2used Bertgbau sets, one 24pf superb BERLIN 6-9-50 .Mi 70 EURO 150
17458 273-74 12, 24 pf 750 Jahre Mansfelder K. , VF u 60
17459 273-74 ** 12,24 pf,750 Jahre Kupfer, margin set 40
17460 275 1950 24pf Volkswahlen 9 used , 2 superb cancels . Mi 99 Euro 90
17461 276-79 1950 "Friden" 6-24pf over 13 used sets. Mi ca 350 Euro incl some units 200
17462 276-79 ** 6-24pf Frieden, VF SET 75
17463 276-79 ** 6-24pf Frieden, VF SET 65
17464 276-79 ** 6-24 PF, VF 65
17465 276-79 ** 6-24 pf, Frieden 1950, VF set 40
17466 280-81 1951 12,24 pf Wintersport , 5 used sets Mi 160 Euro 100
17467 280-81 ** SPORT 12, 24 pf, VF 90
17468 280-81 ** 12, 24 pf OLYMPICS , VF -XF SET 75
17469 280-81 12, 24Pf sportset, VF used 75
17470 280-81 12, 24pf SPORT 1951, VF used 75
17471 280-81 ** Wintersport 1951, VF SET 70
17472 280-81 ** 12,24 pf WinterSport,VF margin set 40
17473 280-81 12,24 pf WinterSport,VF used set 30
17474 282-83 ** 24, 50PF Leipziger Messe, VF 145
17475 282-83 ** 24, 50PF Leipziger Messe, VF 120
17476 282-83 24,50pf Leiziger messe, VF used 100
17477 282-83 24,50 pf Leipzig Messe 1951,VF -EF used 60
17478 282-83 ** 24,50 pf Leipzig Messe 1951,VF -EF 45
17479 283 ** 50pf upper left co.marg. 4-block 150
17480 284 ** 24pf red, superb, LYX 125
17481 284 24pf WERNINGERODE 22-11-51, VF-XF 120
17482 284 50PF used BERLIN 22-5-51, VF 50
17483 284-85 24, 50 pf Freundschaft, VF used 180
17484 284-85 ** 24, 50pf Polen friends, VFco marg set 125
17485 284-85 ** 24, 50Pf German- Polish friends. VF 120
17486 284-85 ** 24, 50 pf Polen friends, VF set 110
17487 284-85 ** 24, 50Pf German- Polish friends. VF 100
17488 284-85 24, 50pf FREUNSCHAFT 1951, VF used 80
17489 284-85 **, 285 obet fläck i gum 70
17490 284-85 ** 24,50 pf Freundschaft 1951,VF 60
17491 284-85 ** 24,50 pf Freundschaft 1951,VF used 50
17492 286 ** 12pf MAO , SUPERB 275
17493 286-88 ** MAO 12,24,50 pf SUPERB SET 600
17494 286-88 * Mao kpl, nr 249 tu.fl. 500
17495 286-88 MAO 12,24,50PF, vf-xf used set 450
17496 286-88 * MAO CPL 12,24,50 pf VF-EF 400
17497 286-88 German-Chinese friendship,VF-XF used 375
17498 286-88 MAO cpl 12pf (sp), 24 pf (thin), 50pf all SUPERB (LYXS) used BERLIN 27-6-51 300
17499 286-88 12+24, 50 MAO, VF used 300
17500 286-88 * MAO 12 * , 24 (*), 50PF *, VF SET 150
17501 287 ** 24 pf , SUPERB co marg copy 400
17502 288 50pf Mao on postcard to Sweden Berlin 14-7-51, VF 300
17503 288 ** 50 pf , MAO SUPERB marg copy 300
17504 288 **MAO 50pf , VF,natural gumwrinkel 200
17505 289-292 1951 12-50pf, 2 sets 11 extra 24pf some superb cancels. Mi 169 Euro 140
17506 289-292 1951 12-50pf, 3 extra 24pf some superb cancels. Mi 84 Euro 100
17507 289-92 WELTSPIELE , CPL VF SET 125
17508 289-92 12-50Pf Jugend, VF used set 100
17509 289-92 ** 12-50 pf Weltfestspiele 1951,VF UM 75
17510 289DV ** 12pf with DV in lower co marg 4-block 250
17511 290 ** 24pf co marg 4-block 150
17512 291DV ** 30pf with DV in lower co marg 4-block 250
17513 292DV ** 50pf with DV in lower co marg 4-block 250
17514 293 24pf, 4-block , EF, ca € 26 55
17515 293DZ 24pf, 8-block incl DZ, EF, ca € 75 175
17516 294 ** 24pf co marg 4-block 55
17517 294 ** 24 pf LYX 30
17518 294DZ ** 24pf co marg 4-block, LOW LEFT, VF 85
17519 295 ** 12pf co marg 4-block 55
17520 295DZ ** 12pf co marg 4-block, LOW LEFT, EF 85
17521 296-97 ** 12-24pf UP RIGHT co marg 4-block 100
17522 296-97 12, 24pf D-SOW. Freundsch. VF used 50
17523 296-97 ** 12pf, 24 pf 40
17524 296-97 ** ddr 12,24PF 1951 FREUNDSHAFT, 25
17525 297 24Pf, PR-LYX PLAUEN 13-3-52 100
17526 298-99 12,24pf sport, prakt BERLIN 29-1-52 85
17527 303-10 ** 8 DIFFERENT , VF-XF 75
17528 311 LYXs Berlin 24-11-52 75
17529 313 LYXs Berlin 24-11-52 75
17530 322-26 * 5PF-5DM Peck, VF set mint 55
17531 323-24Vx **12,24PF PIECK GESTRICHENES ppr 100
17532 325vX **1 DM PIECK Gestrichenes ppr 50
17533 325vX 1 DM PIECK Gewöhnliches ppr, used 35
17534 326vX ** 2 DM PIECK Gestrichenes ppr 150
17535 327-41 ** POLITICIANS 2-84Pf , 84PF crease, rest VF 900
17536 327-41 ** 2-84pf (50pf missing) ,Persönlichkeiten , VF 14 values, Mi ca 420 Euro 400
17537 327-41v 2-84pf Persönlichkeiten, VFused 650
17538 339z ** 80 pf ordinary ppr, VF-XF 60
17539 342 ** 1 DM Pieck, VF 40
17540 342-43 ** 1-2 DM PIECK in vertical pairs, EF 150
17541 342,622 ** LYX 50
17542 344-53 ** Marx 6-84pf 10 Werte, VF 70
17543 344-53x ** cpl set 10 different 100
17544 358-61 16-35 PF Fr. an Oder, VF USED set 30
17545 358-61 ** Frankfurt 700 år 25
17546 362-79 1-84PF 1953, vf USED SET 200
17547 362-79 1-84pf Fünfjahrplan, VF used set 160
17548 379 84PF 1953, vf USED SET 75
17549 386-91 BLOCK 8B on cover Leipzig 25-10-1953 " Tag der Briefmarke " , VF 500
17550 386-95 ** block 8-9 A-B VF ** in little red postal book KARL MARX JAHR 1953. NICE 1150
17551 386-95 ** MARX BLOCK 8-9 A+B. 4 different, VF 1100
17552 386-95 ** BLOCK 8-9 A-B, MARX BLOCK SET 1100
17553 386-95 ** BLOCK 8A,B 9A,B , 13 MARX x 4 und Engels block, superb condition. 1000
17554 386-95 ** BLOCK 8-9 A-B, MARX BLOCK SET 800
17555 386-95 *(*) BLOCK 8A,B 9A,B , 13 MARX x 4 225
17556 386-95BL ** Marx Block 8A,B and 9A,B , 4 different VF, Mi ca 480 Eoro 2009 700
17557 391-5A ** i bl.9A, * ,tu.fl i marg. 160
17558 392-5A ** i vågräta par 200
17559 392-5B ** i vågräta par 200
17560 392-95 BLOCK 9B on cover Leipzig 25-10-1953 " Tag der Briefmarke " , VF 500
17561 392-95a, ** I LODRÄTA PAR 350
17562 397-98 ** 20
17563 405-22 ** 5 YEAR plan, lined backgr. 1-84pf, VF 700
17564 405-22 ** 5 year plan 1953, 1-84pf, F-VF 550
17565 405-22 ** 1-84pf 1953, VF set 300
17566 405-422 ** 1-84pf Fünfjahrplan, VF used set 325
17567 459-60 ** BLOCK 11 + SET 10-20Pf 1955, VF 90
17568 459-60bl ** BLOCK 11 1955, vf 50
17569 459-90 ** 3 different Blocks : Block 11,12 and 13 Mi 2009129 Euro 170
17570 464-66 ** BLOCK 12, 5-20Pf 1955, VF 70
17571 464-66BL Block 12,BERLIN 30-4-55, Superb FDCc 100
17572 484 10 pf LYX BERLIN 11-10-55 50
17573 485-90 ** BLOCK 13 MARX x 4 Engels superb 150
17574 485-90BL13 ** Block 13 ENGELS 1955, VF 80EURO 150
17575 485-90BL13 ** Block 13 ENGELS 1955, VF 80EURO 125
17576 504-09 ** ART 1955 125
17577 504-09 ** 5-70pf Paintings 1955, VF set 80
17578 504-09 ** 5-70 pf Gemälde 1955, VF set 32 Euro 50
17579 504-509 ** V.F SET 140
17580 504-9 ** 506 i prakt, (504,8 *) 100
17581 510-11 ** 4-BLOCK margin set 200
17582 513 10Pf Green, Scwerin(Meckl) 07-2-56,EF 50
17583 586-91 ** 4-BLOCK margin set 90
17584 606-08B ** BLOCK 15 20,25, 40 PF 1958, vf 110
17585 606-08bl ** block 15 , VF 20+25+40 pf 150
17586 693-97 ** art set 1959 June 3 25
17587 737-41 ** Animals set -1959 45
17588 1004-8 ** BUTTERFLIES = FJÄRILAR 30
17589 26 FR. zone, BA 84 pf, VF used 13copies 90
17590 31 FR. zone, 6 pf, 4-BL VF used 12-12-49 200
17591 36 FR. zone, BA 80 pf, VF used 15copies 110
17592 37 FR. zone Baden, 90 pf, used -12-49 175
17593 37 FR. zone,Baden 90 pf, used -12-49 170
17594 26 FR. zone, RH 84 pf, VF used 10copies 75
17595 41 FR. zone, RH 90 pf, VF used 5 copies 100
17596 41 FR. zone,RH 90 pf Wittliich 23-8-49, VF 50
17597 26 FR. zone, wü 84pf , 15 VF used copies 120
17598 32 FR. zone, wü 8 pf, 4-BL Reutl... 30-7-49 50
17599 122 Dienst 60 pf , MELDORF 9-1-32, superb 75